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Clarkston Area Youth Assistance sent 30 youth to camp this summer.  We send children to Camp Copneconic, an overnight camp, in Fenton and Clintonwood Day Camp through Independence Township Parks and Rec. The sessions will be four, five, or six days in length depending on the camp and the dates. Visiting the camp is quite an interesting recreation option for elementary school students. However, many pupils have problems with academic performance, especially if they are from a socially vulnerable group of families. In order for the trip to the camp to be easy and unforgettable, we advise you to use the help of the to close all questions related to training before the beginning of summer.

The camp experience has proven to be very enjoyable and at times helpful for the youth. This program has continued to have positive feedback from those who attend each year.

Any Camp inquiries need to contact their school counselor, social worker or psychologist where the student goes to school and have them fill out a referral form.  Ages are 7-15.  Dates are pending, but families can fill out their referrals with the schools.  Letters will be sent to those families who fill out the referrals with more camp information. 

Summer 2023 Camp Application and Referral Form






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